Monday, May 11, 2009

Showcasing DEAD GIRL trailer...

My book trailer for DEAD GIRL WALKING is Blazing new Trails here:

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Afterwards: SCBWI Davis

I am no longer a power point virgin.

Yesterday I gave my power point present on BLOGGING TO PROMOTE in Davis for the annual Spring SCBWI conference. With only one glitch (I hit a wrong button) it went really well and afterwards many nice people came up to thank me for the workshop.

My biggest tip about whether or not to blog: even if you aren't sure you want to sign up for major blogs like Twitter and Facebook, register your name so that no one else will beat you to it. If I hadn't signed early, I might not have gotten my own name since I have had email from a few other Linda Singleton's and even one Linda Joy Singleton.

The other speakers at the conference -- Diane Muldrow, Chris Eboch, Sara Kahn, Kendra Levin and Nathan Bransford -- were all so interesting! Loved listening to Diane talk on Golden Book history, Chris explain how to give Skype talks, Sara talked about childrens' book in Europe, Kendra give editor/writing advice and Nathan discuss being an agent. "Voice" in books was a hot topic that Kendra, Diane and Nathan all offered professional insights on.

I had hoped to read from a letter I received about how a ghost used one of my SEER books to deliver a message. If you want to read about it, I posted it on the spectacle blog here: