Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Contest ends - 1 week! New book trailer!

Contest for ages 9-19 ends July 31st. Rules in previous post here. $100 prize!

Also check out my cool new book trailer for DON'T DIE DRAGONFLY -- a teen created it for me and didn't she do a great job???


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Linda Joy Singleton! I was wondering when you planned on putting up who wins on the site thing. Also do we go to this same place as this to see who wins? AM I allowed to ask how many people have entered so far.... Ok well plz write back!!!

Linda Joy Singleton said...

It'll take about two weeks to come up with a winner since I'm getting opinions from two other published authors. So I should post and notify the winners(s) about mid-August.

Only 3 more days to enter!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Sarah there is going to be one winner and five honorable mentions.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what is the site that we go to see who the winners are? I know how many winners there is going to be and when we are gonig to know the winners and stuff like that.... ok so it is all good and I ask if we are allowed to know how many people have entered so far?

Anonymous said...

Ok well i didnt een ask you how people were winning, anonymous person. i asked linda joy singleton if we are allowed to know how people have entered so far? And what site do we go to? like this site is it going to be in the comments or is there a different sites of her that we go too?

Linda Joy Singleton said...

I will be emailing each entrant with the results.

Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Linda Joy Singleton! Who won the contest?

Linda Joy Singleton said...

Thanks to all who entered! While I won't reveal how many entered, I will say all entries impressed me and there were two other authors (Danna Smith and Jeri Chase Ferris) who helped make the final selections.

The reasons for choosing the following story are the details of being in a different body, the visual language, hint of danger and creativity.

I will post the winning entry here:
From Sanna Naveed Age 10

Soaring through the sky above cities, valleys, and mountains would be an exceptionally exciting experience. Being able to see everything in a bird’s eye view would be truly worth it. If I could switch bodies with anyone, it would surely be a bird’s. Learning to control my flying in the beginning may be a little difficult, but sooner or later I’d be a master at it, for I am a quick learner. Flying up and trying to touch the clouds would be pleasurable.

Flying would give me the advantage of exploring places humans aren’t able to. If I get lucky enough and find a rainbow, I’d follow it to its end to see if I could find a pot of gold. Also, I won’t have to buy a ticket or find a seat at basketball or baseball games. I could cheer for my favorite team while hovering above them.

Twittering with other birds and listening to what they would say to me and each other would be quite interesting. Maybe I’d try to gather sticks to see if I’m successful in building a nest. Searching for nuts and berries would be like a scavenger hunt, but not as hard. A stop outside a pastry store would be delicious. Worms would not work out for me; I’d prefer to be a vegetarian.

An attempt to explore different countries would be exciting, maybe a visit to the Eiffel Tower or one of the seven wonders. It may be a bit hard to escape predators, so I’d try to stay away from them. But just in case, my plan would be to dive down as fast as I can and hide wherever possible. Adopting a bird’s body may feel uncomfortable in the beginning, but I’m pretty sure it would be a wonderful experience.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Anonymous said...

Who won the honarable mentions? Would you post them here?

Unknown said...

thank you lindajoy singleton! i was glad to be one of the honorable mention...:-)
when is your next contest going to be???? i would love a second chance. thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah! What did you write about?